- 33,810 篇 细胞因子
- 23,602 篇 单克隆抗体
- 20,817 篇 抗原
- 17,330 篇 淋巴细胞
- 15,207 篇 humans
- 13,352 篇 免疫球蛋白
- 10,682 篇 t淋巴细胞
- 10,283 篇 人类
- 9,886 篇 cytokines
- 9,825 篇 il-6
- 9,624 篇 hla
- 8,759 篇 inflammation
- 8,232 篇 animals
- 8,097 篇 细胞免疫
- 7,911 篇 antigens
- 7,264 篇 肿瘤坏死因子-α
- 7,118 篇 tnf-α
- 6,967 篇 儿童
- 6,569 篇 抗体
- 6,442 篇 小鼠
- 2,723 篇 中国医科大学
- 2,688 篇 第四军医大学
- 2,535 篇 吉林大学
- 2,107 篇 河北医科大学
- 2,092 篇 安徽医科大学
- 2,085 篇 华中科技大学
- 2,050 篇 苏州大学
- 1,965 篇 山西医科大学
- 1,838 篇 重庆医科大学
- 1,770 篇 第三军医大学
- 1,750 篇 山东大学
- 1,719 篇 浙江大学
- 1,520 篇 第二军医大学
- 1,499 篇 郑州大学
- 1,456 篇 哈尔滨医科大学
- 1,456 篇 中山大学
- 1,449 篇 解放军总医院
- 1,430 篇 天津医科大学
- 1,405 篇 南方医科大学
- 1,387 篇 扬州大学
- 免疫球蛋白IgM和IgA的分子机制研究进展
- 北京大学生命科学学院蛋白质与植物基因研究国家重点实验室 广州医科大学广州医科大学附属第一医院广州呼吸健康研究院呼吸疾病全国重点实验室/国家呼吸系统疾病临床医学研究中心/国家呼吸医学中心 北大-清华生命科学联合中心
中国学术期刊网络出版... 详细信息
- circ_0075048 silencing regulates LCP1 to improve IL-1β-induced chondrocyte injury by binding with miR-663b
- Department of Orthopedics Affiliated Suqian First People's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University 223800 Jiangsu China
- 来源 PubMed期刊 详细信息
- 中性粒细胞-淋巴细胞比率、血小板-淋巴细胞比率与血液透析患者动静脉瘘狭窄的关系
- 川北医学院临床医学系 川北医学院附属医院肾内科 西部战区空军医院肾内科 成都高新博力医院
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- CD4<sup>+</sup> T helper 2 cell–macrophage crosstalk induces IL-24–mediated breast cancer suppression
- Center for Cancer Immunology Cutaneous Biology Research Center Department of Dermatology Krantz Family Center for Cancer Research Department of Pathology Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston MA United StatesDepartment of Urology ChinaGuangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Malignant Tumor Epigenetics and Gene Regulation Guangdong-Hong Kong Joint Laboratory for RNA Medicine Medical Research Center Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital Sun Yat-Sen University Guangzhou China
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- Alleviating the IL-1β-stimulated extracellular matrix degradation in osteoarthritis, and chondrocyte inflammation by Morinda officinalis polysaccharide via the SIRT6/NF-κB pathway
- Department of Orthopaedics Dongfang Hospital Beijing University of Chinese Medicine China.Department of Oncology Dongfang Hospital Beijing University of Chinese Medicine China.Nursing in the South Hospital of Dongfang Hospital Beijing University of Chinese Medicine China.
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- Sustained response to anti-TNF therapy in ASIA syndrome triggered by vaccination and filler
- Department of Dermatology Hospital Universitario y Politécnico La Fe Valencia Spain.Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria (IIS) La Fe Valencia Spain.Department of Pathology Hospital Universitario y Politécnico La Fe Valencia Spain.
- 来源 PubMed期刊 详细信息
- Decoy-resistant IL-18 reshapes the tumor microenvironment and enhances rejection by anti–CTLA-4 in renal cell carcinoma
- Section of Medical Oncology Yale School of Medicine New Haven CT United StatesSection of Surgery Yale School of Medicine New Haven CT United StatesDepartment of Internal Medicine Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta GA United StatesDepartment of Immunobiology Yale School of Medicine New Haven CT United StatesImmunotherapy Integrated Research Center Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Seattle WA United States
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- Determination of IL-17, BCL-3 and IκBζ expression levels in the gingival crevicular fluid of psoriasis patients
- Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Department Faculty of Dentistry Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Kahramanmaraş Turkey. dtaysegultoprak@***.Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Department Faculty of Dentistry Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Van Turkey.Periodontology Department Faculty of Dentistry Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Van Turkey.
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- 干扰素调控COVID-19发生及发展的研究进展
- 延安大学延安医学院病原生物学教研室 空军军医大学基础医学院微生物与病原生物学教研室
中国学术期刊网络出版... 详细信息
- Author Correction: Simulation shows that HLA-matched stem cell donors can remain unidentified in donor searches
- DKMS German Bone Marrow Donor Center Kressbach 1 72070 Tuebingen Germany. sauter@dkms.de.DKMS German Bone Marrow Donor Center Kressbach 1 72070 Tuebingen Germany.
- 来源 PubMed期刊 详细信息