进入新时代以来,大部分青年大学生的心理健康趋于稳定,但还是有一些大学生存在心理问题,主要表现出身心症状过度关注、人际关系紧张、成绩不佳以及不良情绪增多等现象。在心理健康教育上,高等院校还面临着一系列问题的考验,比如教学模式相对单一、教学成效不够显著、服务实效不够理想、体系建设不够完善、平台建设不够健全。因此,通过课堂教学和实践活动融为一体的宣传服务、咨询辅导和普查研究有机融合的治疗服务以及危机干预和预防保健有机融合的安全服务,来不断完善大学生心理健康教育,利用“三位一体”的服务模式解决大学生的心理问题。Since entering the new era, the mental health of most young college students has tended to stabilize, but there are still some college students who have psychological problems, mainly manifested as excessive attention to physical and mental symptoms, tense interpersonal relationships, poor grades, and an increase in negative emotions. In terms of mental health education, higher education institutions still face a series of challenges, such as relatively single teaching models, insufficient teaching effectiveness, unsatisfactory service effectiveness, incomplete system construction, and inadequate platform construction. Therefore, through the integration of classroom teaching and practical activities, as well as the organic integration of propaganda services, counseling and survey research, treatment services, crisis intervention and preventive health care, and safety services, we can continuously improve the mental health education of college students and use the “three in one” service model to solve their psychological problems.