逻辑学作为一门研究推理和论证规则的学科,自古以来便在各类文化中占据重要位置。藏传因明学,作为这一领域中的重要分支,起源于古印度因明学,并在传入藏地后逐渐与本土文化融合,形成了具有独特特色的学术体系。另一方面,马克思主义社会科学方法论因其在社会科学研究中的严谨性和实用性,成为理解和分析社会现象的重要工具。将这两种学术传统结合起来,能够为藏传因明学的研究注入新的活力,并为学者提供更加丰富的分析工具。本文将深入探讨马克思主义社会科学方法论在藏传因明学研究中的应用,以及这种结合如何推动藏传因明学的发展。Logic, as a discipline that studies the rules of reasoning and argumentation, has occupied an important position in various cultures since ancient times. Tibetan Buddhist Logic, as an important branch in this field, originated from ancient Indian Ingenuity and gradually integrated with the local culture after being introduced to Xizang, forming an academic system with unique characteristics. On the other hand, Marxist social science methodology has become an important tool for understanding and analyzing social phenomena due to its rigor and practicality in social science research. Combining these two academic traditions can inject new vitality into the study of Tibetan Buddhist Logic and provide scholars with richer analytical tools. This paper will delve into the application of Marxist social science methodology in the study of Tibetan Buddhist Logic and how this combination can contribute to the development of Tibetan Buddhist Logic.